While studying to become a film composer in Stockholm, I met a lot of animation students. Animation really fascinated me and I started learning it in my spare time. Although I fell in love with the stop motion technique more than anything, I didn’t have enough patience to practice it. I ended up animating mainly 2D animation with a software called Moho. The technique in question is similar to animating paper dolls.

Dreaming of my own animated series
At one time, I always went to the cinema to watch new animated films. This was influenced by my interest in film music when I was a student, but there was something fantasy-like freedom in the animations that I couldn’t find in the films shown. An animation was like pure imagination illustrated. Animation is also rewarding from the composer’s point of view, because there is often more room for imagination than in films with real actors.
I started to learn drawing and the basics of animation myself. I was a big fan of the Family Guy series, and this is where the dream still lurking in the back of my head came from – to one day make my own animated series. Music and social psychological phenomena interest me. These two will appear strongly in the hope-to-come series.
Photo: Instrumentarium / Someoptikko campaign
Animation work
- Mertta Alakönni (2013), concept pilot for animated series
- Doubtful Weasel -comedy video (2015), animating a soft toy on top of a video
- Ananse the Spider (2016), pilot for an animated series
- Instrumentarium Someoptikko campaign (2017), drawing and animating on top of a video