Juhana Lehtiniemi

Game composer

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Education and experience

  • Bachelor with commendation, Birmingham City University, UK (2008)
  • Master degree in film music composition, Stockholm Royal College of Music (2010)
  • Programming experience with Unity game engine for over 6 years. Familiar with FMOD-engine.

Work history

I graduated originally with Master degree in film music in 2010. I was a co-founder the game studio Platonic Partnership in 2017 and I have composed most of the game soundtracks for their games. Our game Lydia won “The Best Creative Achievement of the Year” and “People’s Choice Game of the Year” awards in 2018. The game told a story of a child growing up in a family with alcoholism. Alko – the Finnish alcoholic beverages distribution company – later released the game as part of its anti-alcoholism campaign.

If often have inspirating references when I start composing music for a scene. It may be an interesting song I’ve recently heard or a series that had really cool musical idea. I take this idea, expand it and make it my own. This is the reason why my music often surprises with new genres and ideas.

In addition to composing skills, I also have over 6 years of programming experience on Unity game engine.

Kuva: Henri Tervapuro

Game music

Samples from my career as a game and film composer

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game music

The soundtrack is based on a couple of melodic themes. These themes have been blended to over a dozen different music genres.

Watch video Explore
Game music

Our game studio Platonic Partnership release a title called Lydia in 2017. It won both “The Best Creative Achievement of the Year” and “People’s Choice Game of the Year” -awards in 2018.

Watch trailer Explore

Lydia – An award-winning game about alcoholism

The first game title from Platonic Partnership was called Lydia. The black and white and sad world of the Lydia was inspiring to set the mood with music. At that time, I had just acquired a software suitable for making very long reverbs – a software called Valhalla Vintageverb. We were discussing the sound of the game’s music. During the meeting, I demonstrated my idea that the basis of the sound would be only one piano note in a huge reverberation chamber, and that it would eventually start to distort in some way. I remember that the client was instantly excited when they heard the demo. The song ended up in the game almost as is. That song is now heard in the Lydia main menu.

Lydia game was awarded the Creative Achievement of the Year and People’s Choice game of the Year at the Finnish Game Awards gala. It also won the Pelit magazine Kyöpeli award. Alko released the Finnish version of Lydia as a free mobile game as part of its 2018 anti-alcoholism campaign.

Watch Lydia’s gameplay video and get to know the atmosphere – the main menu music can be heard in the beginning

Other game music projects

“Lydia is an important game, not just because it broaches an important subject matter, but for how it uses its art direction, music, and storytelling to highlight the issues it’s bringing to our attention.”

Lähde: OpenCritic.com

Excellent soundtrack!

Lähde: GodisaGeek.com

“Just like the graphical design of the game, the soundscape fits perfectly into the dark atmosphere of every scene. The background music can be tense but also melancholic, just like Lydia.”

Lähde: 3rd-strike.com

Kuva: Henri Tervapuro

Work samples