Film and game music with more than 16 years of expertise
I graduated in 2008 as a composer from Birmingham City University, England, and then a master’s degree in film composition from the Royal College of Musics in Stockholm in 2010. I enjoy creating and combining different music genres. I especially appreciate projects that tell fascinating stories in unexpected settings. This explains why one of my favorite TV series of all time is Twin Peaks.
In addition to film and game music, I have composed theater and circus performances and three musicals.
Film music
I have composed film music for over 16 years with the help of Master’s degree in film music. My superpower is genre-knowledge and writing musicals!
Learn moreGame music
Knowing genres and being able to combine them is a big advantage in game music. I have written the music for most of Platonic Partnership’s games since 2017.
learn moreMusicals
Musicals are a wonderful way to tell a story – real people can become animation-like characters! I currently writing and composing my third musical.
Learn moreShort films, video production and 2D-animated series
In addition to film and game music, I do video production. We have a company called miu & mau with my collague Viivi Myllylä. In miu & mau, we produce interview and educational videos as well as some event streaming.
As an example how scriptwriting blends together with video production – we co-wrote a series of videos with a client. The videos highlighted dialogue skills shortcomings in workplaces through humorous situations.
During my fiilm school days, I also got very excited about 2D animation. There was something magical about it. I’ve made and implemented animations on top of the video, e.g. Instrumentarium’s Someoptikko campaign and animated an entire animated series pilot. I am currently writing and planning a new animated children’s series.
Video production Animation production*In addition to the skills mentioned above, I have also been scriptwriting for a long time, and have six years of programming experience with Unity (two with Angular). These skills are useful, for example, in various cross-artistic projects, such as commissioned applications, creating game experiences or installations.
Passion for writing musicals
I was studying to become a jazz pianist in Jyväskylä in 2005. My friend who played in the symphony orchestra of the University of Jyväskylä mentioned that the orchestra was looking for a commissioned composer for a new musical. I had never composed orchestral music before. However, I applied and was selected based on the demo I wrote. I composed the musical Ruusun Varjo to the text of Antti Viitamäki. I learned orchestral arrangement and, inspired by musical work, I switched to composition studies.
During my film music studies I became interested in writing stories and started writing. In 2015, I wrote my first stage play for a musical called Lemmikki.

Shadow of a rose
I composed my first musical to the text of Antti Viitamäki for the Symphony Orchestra of the University of Jyväskylä Sinfis. The Shadow of a Rose was based on Dostoevsky’s novel The Idiot and premiered in 2006. Read more…

Lemmikki was the first musical I wrote. It told about impossible one-sided love through the naive point of view of stable animals. Lemmikki premiered at Helsinki Kellariteatteri in 2015.

What happened to Gro Janovich?
The first full-length musical I wrote and composed myself will be completed in the spring of 2024. The musical is based on an animated adventure I wrote a long time ago.